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Where Is Folgers Coffee Grown? The Story Behind This Brand

woman having a cup of Folgers Classic Roast Instant Coffee Crystals

Folgers coffee has been a staple in our kitchens since we were children. Our parents drank Folgers. Most of their parents drank Folgers. But how much do we really know about “the best part of waking up”? The answer is not much. One of the questions many people ask is where is Folgers coffee grown? If you visit their website or do a quick search online, you won’t get a straight answer. Folgers coffee is grown all over the world and then roasted in their New Orleans, Louisiana location.

While this may sound a bit confusing, don’t worry, we’ll explain. Keep reading to find out more about Folgers and what they put in your morning cup.

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The Story of Folgers Coffee

In 1850, James Folger was a 14-year-old boy when he traveled with his 2 brothers from Nantucket to San Francisco. Their quest was one of gold after their family lost everything in a fire. His brothers went on to the mines as they’d planned. James, however, stayed behind and took a job with Pioneer Steam Coffee and Spice Mills. It was not long before James became a full partner at Pioneer only to watch the company fall into bankruptcy after the Civil War. Instead of giving up his dreams of great coffee, James convinced creditors to help pay off the company’s debts, and J.A. Folger & Co was born.

James Folger didn’t want to buy beans based on their appearance as other coffee companies did. Instead, he started cup testing so he could use great-tasting beans and ensure his customers were drinking only the best. After his passing, it was his son and a salesman named Frank Atha who helped Folgers find its way onto store shelves. From there the reputation only grew. The company itself changed hands a few times as many do. In the end, the company joined forces with J.M. Smucker Company where it remains today.

Folgers Classic Roast Instant Coffee Crystals, 8 Ounces

Folgers and New Orleans

In 1960, wartime changed shipping routes for coffee. In hopes of staying on top of the game, Folgers coffee packed up and left San Francisco after all those years. Their new home would be New Orleans, Louisiana. In New Orleans, the Folgers company focuses on family connections. According to their website, generations of families have worked at their plant, making a livelihood for children, and providing us with the best, most affordable coffee possible.

Folgers Coffee Beans

Now that you know where Folgers beans are roasted, let’s talk about the type of beans they use and where they get them. Folgers has never denied the fact that they use a mixture of both the better-tasting Arabica beans and the cheaper Robustas. While some of their competition made the switch and began boasting that only Arabica beans are in their ground coffees, Folgers stood by their use of Robusta beans and claimed it was their best option for keeping their coffees affordable.

cup of coffee and beans
Image Credit: pixel2013, Pixabay

When it comes to where the beans come from, that’s where the mystery remains. Folgers works with World Coffee Research and is committed to only using sustainable coffee beans. Sustainable coffee practices ensure the farmers, processors, the environment, and even the coffee trees are cared for and treated justly. This commitment to coffee is amazing and one every company should abide by but Folgers has kept the exact location their beans come from under wraps.

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In Conclusion

Unfortunately, we can’t tell you the exact location of where the beans found in your cup of Folgers come from. What we can tell you is they support sustainable practices, roast their beans in New Orleans, and use a mix of both Arabica and Robusta beans in their coffee. While Folgers may not be able to stand up with the big names in coffee roasting, they are an affordable option for people who want to make a quick cup at home and start their day off on the right foot.


Melissa Gunter

Melissa has been a fan of coffee since the first sip she stole from her Granny's cup when she was just a girl. Now, she spends each morning writing with a hot cup of coffee at her side. With a love of sweet and creamy bliss, Melissa and her daughter, Amber, stop by and try out every local coffee shop they see. Neither are afraid to try something new and have a long list of favorite coffee beverages they simply can't do without. When she's not freelance writing about her 2 passions, coffee, and pets, Melissa spends her time with her husband, 2 kids, and 5 fur babies. She also loves diving into the fiction world under her pen name, Rena Marin. If she isn't at the laptop or with the family, Melissa is out enjoying the mountains of East Tennessee she calls home.

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