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How Much Caffeine is in Liquid Help Energy Drink? 2024 Breakdown

a glass of energy drink

Caffeine (serving: 16 fl oz)
300 mg
Caffeine (mg / fl oz)
Caffeine strength

Liquid Help is an energy drink that promises to “unleash your inner superhero.” It plans to do this by using caffeine. Like other energy drinks, Liquid Help contains quite a lot of caffeine, 300 mg, to be exact. 300 mg of caffeine sounds like a lot, but is it much for an energy drink? How does Liquid Help Energy Drink’s caffeine content measure up to other energy drinks?

If you are asking these questions, keep reading. In this article, we’ll compare Liquid Help Energy Drink to other caffeinated beverages and explore its advantages and disadvantages.

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Liquid Help Energy Drink Compared to Other Caffeinated Beverages

Liquid Help Energy Drink (16 oz): 300 mg of caffeine
Red Bull (8.46 oz): 80 mg of caffeine
Bang Energy (16 oz): 300 mg of caffeine
Reign (16 oz): 300 mg of caffeine
5 Hour Energy (1.93 oz): 200 mg of caffeine
Monster Energy (16 oz): 160 mg of caffeine
Rockstar (16 oz): 160 mg of caffeine
Redline Xtreme Energy Drink (8 oz): 316 mg of caffeine
Brewed Coffee (8 oz): 95 mg of caffeine

Liquid Help ranks on the higher end of the caffeine scale and has more caffeine than drinks like Monster, Red Bull, and coffee. It’s not even remotely close to having as much caffeine as 5-hour energy; however, it still contains a high amount of caffeine. Too much caffeine can be horrible for you, but how much is too much? And do the benefits outweigh the side effects? In our next section, we’ll examine the benefits and side effects of caffeine.

The Health Benefits & Side Effects of Caffeine

Caffeine has a wide array of health benefits and side effects. Side effects typically aren’t something you have to worry about since they require a large amount of caffeine to affect most people. However, when drinking energy drinks, side effects become much more common.

Experts recommend you consume no more than 400 mg of caffeine in a day, and one can of Liquid Help Energy Drink gives you ¾ of that, so it is always essential to make sure you’re consuming in moderation.

Side Effects of Drinking Caffeine

Most people won’t experience side effects unless they drink more than the recommended daily limit, but how much is too much depends on who’s consuming the caffeine. Some people are “caffeine sensitive,” and what is considered a moderate amount could be too much for them. So, it’s essential to watch out for side effects, even if you haven’t consumed more than 400 mg, just in case you are caffeine sensitive.

Consuming too much caffeine can lead to anxiety because caffeine blocks the production of adenosine and increases the production of adrenaline. It can also cause you to experience insomnia, trouble staying asleep, and rhabdomyolysis, which can lead to death. In the worst-case scenario, you experience a caffeine overdose.

The symptoms of a caffeine overdose include paranoia, hallucinations, vomiting, involuntary muscle movement, chest pains, and irregular heartbeat. If you believe you’re experiencing a caffeine overdose, don’t hesitate to call 911.

girl with insomnia lying on bed
Image Credit: Sergey Mironov, Shutterstock

Benefits of Caffeine

Caffeine has a long list of possible health benefits when consumed in moderation. Caffeine has been known to help alleviate tension headaches. This is due to headache pain commonly caused by blood vessels expanding and caffeine’s ability to narrow them.

For the same reason Caffeine causes anxiety, it can increase your alertness. Caffeine makes you alert and increases your perception. Similarly, caffeine’s anti-fatigue effects that can cause insomnia also improve your performance while exercising, especially endurance exercises like sprinting.

Caffeine may also prevent you from getting certain diseases. Caffeine might prevent the breakdown of nerve cells, which is one of the main symptoms of Parkinson’s. Studies also show that caffeine may help to lower your risk of getting Alzheimer’s, liver disease, and certain types of cancer.

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Final Thoughts

As you can see, the Liquid Help Energy Drink is higher in caffeine than some of the other energy drinks. However, it doesn’t have the highest caffeine content on the market. Whether cramming for a test or trying to make it through the day at work, Liquid Help Energy Drink has the caffeine content you need to make it through. If you have an issue with caffeine, you can speak to your doctor to determine if Liquid Help is okay for you to drink or if you need to find your energy from an alternative stimulant. After all, a strong cup of coffee will do the same for you as most energy drinks.

Featured Image Credit: HandmadePictures, Shutterstock


Kate MacDonnell

Kate is a lifelong coffee enthusiast and homebrewer who enjoys writing for coffee websites and sampling every kind of coffee known to man. She’s tried unusual coffees from all over the world and owns an unhealthy amount of coffee gear.

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