How Much Caffeine is in Boba Milk Tea? 2024 Breakdown

boba milk tea

There are many beverages nowadays that differ from your average coffee. Think about when you are in a grocery store in the drink section – the number of different caffeinated drink options are endless! From cold brew coffee to Red Bulls, how does something like boba milk tea compare? Does boba tea have caffeine? We’ll […]

Sweet & Satisfying Vanilla Milk Tea Recipe: The Easy Steps

vanilla milk tea

A warm cup of tea can make for the perfect breakfast along with a biscuit or a refreshing afternoon beverage. Whether you are a connoisseur, a tea drinker, or new to the beverage, you’ve probably heard of milk tea. Milk tea essentially refers to any tea beverage that has milk added to it. But in […]

Simple Wintermelon Milk Tea Recipe: Tasty & Fun

wintermelon milk tea

Today’s beverage world is focused on trying out unique drinks and mixing flavors into traditional beverages. One of those drinks is wintermelon milk tea. Of course, you can get this tea at your local coffee shop, but you can also make it right in the comfort of your own home. We’ll share our favorite recipe […]

10 Best Coffee Shops in Corpus Christi to Try Today (2024 Update)

male barista pouring coffee beans in a coffee maker

Whether you live in Corpus Christi, just recently moved there, or are a tourist taking in the nightlife and combing the beaches, you probably want to know where the best coffee shops are. That morning jolt of caffeine is what gets many of us going throughout the day and keeps us going into the night. […]

How Much Caffeine is in Mega Monster Energy Drinks? Surprising Facts!

Mega Monster Energy Drink

The Monster Energy drink products have maintained their position in the energy drink marketplace and don’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. In fact, the Mega Monster Energy Drink is one of the top-selling energy drinks in the US and in Europe. But just how much “energy” does this drink give you? For example, […]

Green Tea vs Black Tea: Main Differences Explained

green tea vs black tea

Tea, whether it’s iced, hot, green, black, or herbal, is loved around the world. While it used to not be as popular in America, it is recently taken hold, not only for its taste but its health benefits as well. Now that it’s popular in America, tea drinkers are starting to ask questions, and we […]

Caffeine in Light Roast vs Dark Roast Coffee: A Complete Overview

light roast vs dark roast coffee beans

For years, a debate has raged about whether light-roast coffee or dark-roast coffee contains more caffeine. Both roasts come from the same place, right? While this may be true, that doesn’t mean they are exactly equal. If you are a coffee-lover, especially one that wants the most caffeine for your buck, then knowing which of […]

Theobromine vs Caffeine: A Detailed Comparison

theobromine vs caffeine

Many people have a cup of coffee each morning and would have a difficult time starting their day without it. Caffeine is the primary ingredient that provides that energy boost, and many people notice a similar boost after eating chocolate, which they often assume also contains caffeine. However, while similar, the active ingredient in cocoa […]

5 Best Coffee Grinders in Canada in 2024: Reviews & Top Picks

coffee grinder on table

If you’re a coffee-lover, you know the importance of having the right beans on hand when you are ready to enjoy a cup of joe. One of the best ways to ensure a tasty cup of your favorite beverage is to grind your own beans. Doing this yourself allows you to control grind consistency which […]

How Much Caffeine Is in Royal Crown Cola? 2024 Breakdown

RC Cola

Cola has been a favorite drink in the United States for a long time, and Royal Crown Cola (RC Cola) has been producing it for consumers for more than 100 years. It tastes great, and it’s still as popular as it ever was, but since it’s consumed by children and people watching their caffeine intake, […]