What Is Coffee Torrefaction? The Interesting Answer!

torrefacto roasted coffee beans

If you’re an avid coffee drinker, you probably know quite a bit about coffee and even how it is made. However, many coffee drinkers have no idea what coffee torrefaction is. Torrefaction is a way to roast coffee beans that was originally developed in Portugal, Spain, and France. This method of coating the beans in […]

What Is First Crack in Coffee Roasting? Info & Expert Tips!

coffee beans on a black table

Most coffee drinkers choose their favorite brand, roast, and flavor then make a hot pot each morning. If we are not fans of brewing our coffee, we pop down to the local coffee shop to grab a cup of perfection that’s crafted by a barista with more skills than we possess. Unless you are a […]

What Is Coffee Degassing? Roasting Facts to Know!

coffee packaging on a wooden table, with pot, candle, coffee beans in bowl

In the world of coffee, there are lots of terms used we novices are not well versed in. Most of us like to enjoy a cup of coffee and bask in the flavors and aromas but don’t take the time to learn more about the processes our favorite beans go through. Then again, there are […]

Smokey Barn Coffee Roasters: Profile & 2024 Review


Specialty coffees, while not a new trend, are starting to become more and more popular. Coffee lovers nowadays prefer to order their beans online from trusted sources or satisfy their coffee needs through high-end coffee retailers rather than buying supermarket generic or brand-name beans that oftentimes fail to deliver on their so-called quality guarantees. Browsing […]

Espresso Roast vs Filter Roast? The Differences (With Pictures)

espresso beans

As a coffee drinker, you’ve probably heard people in coffee shops asking about their espresso roast more than once. Also, as a coffee drinker, you might know what that means, and then again, you might not. The thing is, there doesn’t seem to be a general consensus on what exactly an espresso roast is. That’s […]

5 Coffee Roasting Defects & How to Spot Them

Roasting Cofee

Roasting coffee isn’t easy. It takes years of training and practice, a keen culinary sense, and expensive, temperamental equipment to roast an excellent batch of coffee, so it is no surprise that sometimes things go wrong. Operator errors, equipment malfunctions, or a bad batch of beans can all derail the roasting process and leave the […]

What is French Roast Coffee? How to Correctly Brew It

french roast

If you are new to the coffee scene in modern times, understanding roasts can seem impossible. Between fancy “house” roasts to high-caffeine blonde roasts, the lines between traditional roasts and “specialty” roasts tend to blur. While there are three main categories of roasts, some within those categories are important to know. One of those is […]

What is Air Roasted Coffee? Facts & Flavor Guide

Coffee beans during the roasting process

Have you ever smelled or tasted a green coffee bean? We have, and it’s not necessarily a smell or taste that makes you want to drink it. The enticing aroma that wafts through the air at coffee shops and during early mornings in your kitchen comes from roasted coffee beans. Most commercial roasters roast their […]

How to Start a Coffee Roasting Business in 2024: 5 Expert Tips

coffee-roast beans pixabay

Starting a coffee roasting business is a big undertaking and not something you should decide to do lightly, but it might not be as daunting as it sounds. We know roasters who started in their backyards roasting for friends and family. We’ve even heard about a college student running a roasting business out of their […]

10 Best Light Roast Coffee Brands of 2024 – Top Picks & Reviews


We’ve scoured the market trying many dozens of different light roast coffees. Our search has yielded many decent choices, but only a few stellar options that are worth reporting back to you, the discerning buyer. When we look for good coffee, we evaluate the product on the grounds of its taste, smell, and value. When […]