10 Best Coffee Beans in Australia: Reviews & Top Picks

Map of the Australia made of roasted coffee beans

There are many different types of coffee beans available on the market these days, but which one is the best for your needs? Australian coffee lovers will be happy to know that they have a wide variety of great-tasting, high-quality coffee beans to choose from when looking for the perfect cup of joe. If you’re […]

How Much Caffeine is in Amp Energy Gum? 2024 Breakdown

woman with sunglasses chewing gum

The Amp Energy brand was founded in 2001 under the Pepsi Corporation and has since gained a huge reputation as one of the biggest providers of energy drinks. Their product line originally included drinks only, but as of 2010 includes caffeine-infused gum. So just how much caffeine does this gum contain? Amp Energy gum contains […]

Is Coffee Creamer Bad for You? Caffeine Content & 6 Healthy Alternatives

creamer powder

Coffee creamer seems to be a staple in the coffee-loving community, and this is not changing anytime soon. Some people prefer their coffee black, while others prefer it with cream. Creamers can come in many different textures, flavors, and brands. We all know that all creamers aren’t made equal and that some are definitely healthier […]

Caffeine in Decaf Coffee vs. Tea: Which Has More? A Complete Overview

Decaf Coffee vs Tea

Many people drink their morning coffee while checking the internet or reading the newspaper to catch up on daily events. It can be a relaxing and enjoyable experience. However, some people are sensitive to caffeine, and a cup of morning coffee could ultimately make them anxious or nervous. Other people need to take medication that […]

Strange Brew Coffee Controversy Explained: The True Story

female barista using coffee machine for making coffee in the cafe

Whether you are a local or simply keep up with coffee news, you’ve likely heard of the controversy surrounding Strange Brew Coffee House in Tupelo, Mississippi. The cliff notes version? A long-term employee at the Strange Brew Coffee House in Tupelo was fired over a text message due to not paying for a $3 pastry. […]

Caffeine in Tea vs. Soda: The Complete Breakdown

tea vs soda

Caffeine is one of the most beloved pick-me-ups, with the majority of the U.S partaking in its use daily. Aside from coffee, tea and soda are some of the most popular caffeinated beverages. But how do they fare against one another as far as caffeine content? Let’s find out. The short answer is that it depends […]

Caffeine Intake for Older Men: Risks & Side Effects

middle-aged man drinking coffee at home

About 80% of Americans use caffeine daily, according to the FDA, and many of us could not live without our morning cup of joe.1 As a man ages, he needs to start cutting out unhealthy habits, but does that include caffeine? Is caffeine good for men as they age? As it turns out, moderate caffeine […]

Caffeine in Iced Tea vs Coffee: Which Has More? Complete Breakdown

iced tea vs coffee

It may be a tough decision to pick between an iced tea and a coffee when your day needs a refreshing boost. Both options are tasty and may offer health benefits, aside from the caffeine content. However, if you’re looking to lower your caffeine consumption, iced tea will probably be your best bet. A standard […]

Can You Eat Instant Coffee? Facts & FAQs

While it may seem heretical to serious java lovers to even think about going near the stuff, instant coffee has a few things going for it! It has many of the same health benefits as regular brewed coffee, but it’s easy to make with a bit of hot water. Several baking recipes call for instant […]

Caffeine in Mountain Dew vs Coke: A Look at The Differences

Mountain Dew vs Coke

Mountain Dew and Coke are two of the most popular soft drinks. As such, they have a lot of similarities, such as their sugary flavors and canning. Another similarity between Mountain Dew and Coke is the fact that they both contain caffeine. After all, most sodas include some amount of caffeine, except for specifically marketed […]