The easiest way to make tasty Café Bustelo? Pull out your trusty drip coffee machine! Café Bustelo is finely ground Cuban coffee -- and it brews perfectly in a classic coffee maker.
Add cold water to the water reservoir in the back of the machine. Café Bustelo recommends that you add six ounces of cold water for every tablespoon of coffee.
Put a #4 basket-shaped filter into the filter basket. Then add one tablespoon of coffee, making sure to spread the grounds evenly. If you're making more espresso or want it to be stronger, add more coffee to taste.
Turn your machine on and let it brew. This may take up to 10 minutes, depending on your coffee maker.
Pour your espresso into small cups or demitasses. Espresso is often drunk black, but you can add sugar or cream if you prefer. If you want to get creative, try making a homemade creamer or coffee syrup!
Café Bustelo can be made using a number of different brewing methods, so if you prefer a stovetop espresso maker or a pour-over, go for it. Using a drip machine is undeniably easy, though! For this guide, we used the Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Coffee Maker.